Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stuck on 215

I have been on 215lbs for more than a 2 weeks. I don't know what to do. I tried to track my steps and I have to admit I have been very bad. I ate some pastas, potatoes and ice cream.
That is the reason why I am stucked on 215. Plus I am not exercising. I consulted my friend mark whom I refer to as dr. serna. He has helped me a lot in this weight battle.

I'm starting to get frustrated with this. I need a battle plan.

He gave me options:
1. Metabolism Shock - changing of carb intake, like on a 3 day plan. The first day would be low carbs, then 2nd day is med carbs intake and 3rd day is high carbs. Then you could switch it. Your metabolism will then get confuse and in effect will increase.

2. Ketogenic Diet - High in fat, zero in carbs and less protein. I research on the net that the ketogenic diet is a diet primarily made for epileptic patients and was later on became a diet for everyone. But before you go into this diet you must take precautionary measure because this diet is not really that healthy. You have to take a multi-vitamin everyday to complete your nutrition. With the ketogenic diet, Your body goes on a "fasting mode" thus your body will feed on your body fats. Things to remember when on a ketogenic diet:
a. Take Multi-Vitamins
b. Drink less water
c. You will get constipation
d. this is not a lifestyle, this is a diet meaning this is ONLY for drastic measures.

I have chosen the ketogenic diet because desperate times needs desperate measures. I will post my experience with the diet. Wish me luck.

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