It was just in time, My plans to disappear is now in full action. It has been 5 days since I have lost communication with my closest friends. My friendster, YM and downelink account is blocked. I ask a friend of mine to change the password until further notice. I'm not yet sure when I will comeback. I needed inner healing ... and I realized that it was not just the inner thing that I should fix. I should also focus on my physical aspect.
Weight Management
Our fridge is now packed with healthy things. Fruits and veggies. Right now I'm back to my Atkins slash South beach slash crash diet. Mid of February I'm planning to go on the "Master Cleanse Diet". Master Cleanse Diet is the cleansing of your digestive system. You will do it in 10 days. You only have lemonade to keep you alive. I know it's drastic but I needed drastic change. For now, I'm minimizing my food intake so that when I do the Master Cleanse Diet I will be ready.
I went back to gym, using what is left of the membership. I have canceled my membership. I was getting bored but I will be dedicated and focus with my last month membership. The good news is that I have an equipment at home to do my weight training. I have a copy of turbo jam, bump and burn and hip hop abs. That would be my alternative for not going to the gym.
I'm at 201 lbs. Only 1 more lb and I would be able to break the 200 line. It's really though believe me. Sleepless nights.
Skin Care Management
Before I never cared about my skin. I don't care if my skin is dark or if I have pimples. But as you grow older this things matter. My arms and face is not the same color as my body and lower extremities. I have darker skin on the arms and the face.
I've heard several things about this wonder drug, GLUTHATIONE. I haven't tried it yet so this would be the first for me. I rushed by to the nearest drugstore and bought a bottle of it. We'll see if there would be any improvements.
With me taking gluthatione, I was advice to minimize my exposure to the sunlight but if it is unavoidable, I should wear a sunscreen or a sunblock. So I bought a sunblock too. The recommended SPF (Sun Protection Factor) was 50. The highest SPF that I saw was 35. I realized that with sunblock the higher the SPF the more expensive it becomes.
Also, when taking in Gluthatione the other skin layer should also be removed using exfoliants such as tretinoin or diamond peel. The diamond peel, I cannot afford now. So I settled for the Kojic acid soap. I think this would help remove the dead skin cells from your skin. Thus exposing the fairer complexion that was the result of the Gluthatione intake.
I've notice that there are lines now appearing at the side of my eyes. Maybe it's with the chain smoking. I purchased Pond's age miracle cream. It promises lesser visible lines, finer pores and more supple skin in just 7 DAYS! hahaha I feel like a commercial model. Anyway, with regards to smoking I was trying to quit, remember my blog ... the withdrawal thingy ... I'm trying to quit but it's really hard. Any suggestions?
I guess that's about it! I'm locked and loaded. Before I end this blog, I would like to quote Hilda (Ugly Betty's sister) - "Gorgeous doesn't just happen".