Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Out with the old in with the new.

Everyone has started the new year with a bang. We'll I didn't. Remember the last post? The cheat day. Well, It wasn't a cheat day. It was a cheat week. I had all the food that I wanted. I just couldn't help it. I've let my guard down. I was attacked when I was vulnerable. Now, I'm struggling again. It's a good thing I did a precautionary measure. Last december 29, I enrolled myself in fitness first. I felt I needed to do something.

Then January 3 came ( I should have started January 2) then I went to the gym. I arrived 9:30 am. I thought I was late. Before I hit the class, I jumped on the weighing scale and got shocked. I weighed 233lbs. DAMN IT! The instructor for the group exercise was also late! Good Thing. Then we started. I was having trouble dancing because I was heavy. But I enjoyed the class. This would be my third time to enroll. I hope this time would be a success.
It was a good thing that I enrolled so I have to kick my own ass to get out of bed and go to the gym.

Another thing that I am going to try out is the master cleanse diet. I heard it from the radio station magic 89.9 that beyonce knowles did that diet and lost a lot of weight. It's kinda hard because it only involves liquid intakes. You can look for a download of an ebook, The Master Cleanse by Stanley Borroughs. I think you only drink juices for 2 days. Whew! But out with the old and in with the new. Wish me luck!

Crunches With Belly Fat?

I've read thru this article on MSN. This might interest you guys.

By Jacqueline Stenson
Contributing editor
Updated: 1:03 p.m. ET Dec. 28, 2006

If you're trying to lose belly fat, should you just do aerobic activity to shed the pounds, or should you also do crunches even though you won't see those abs for a while? And just what is a one-rep max?

Q: My midsection is where I need to lose the most weight. I'd like to get a nice flat stomach eventually, and I know to do that I have to do crunches at some point. But with all the fat, shouldn't I lose that first, then work on toning my torso? Or should I do cardio along with the crunches. After all, no one will be able to see my abs under my belly fat.

A: Well, yes, you can have a serious six-pack yet not be able to see it because it's covered in fat. So you do need to lose the weight in order to get a lean, mean midsection. And if you're like a lot of people, you may be carrying a little extra jelly belly around from all that holiday feasting.
But why wait to do the crunches or other abdominal work? It's hardly a wasted effort, since having toned abs also helps keep your core strong and prevent back aches.

Plus, you'll get to your ultimate goal of a "nice flat stomach" faster if you do both, notes Gina Lombardi, a personal trainer in Los Angeles. Otherwise, once you lose the weight, you have to start from scratch on toning the muscles.

"I always recommend doing both," says Lombardi. "Best to tone up what's under all that belly fat while the fat is disappearing."

So how much aerobic exercise is enough? That depends a lot on how much you eat and what kind of activity you're doing and for how long. To lose a pound of fat, you need to create a deficit of 3,500 calories.

As for those abs, aim to do crunches at least three times a week. Start with one or two sets of 10 repetitions and work up to three sets of 20, Lombardi says.

Q: What do you mean by one-repetition maximum? How do I determine that?

A: A one-repetition maximum is the highest amount of weight that you can lift or press one time. So, for instance, it would be the most weight you can bench press or lift on the calf machine.

Personal trainers commonly advise clients to use a weight that is a certain percentage of their "one-rep max." They might say to do two to three sets of 10 biceps curls at 70 percent of your one-rep max. Then they might advise you to work up to 80 percent of your one-rep max.
The point is to not overdo it. If you max out and your muscles aren't ready for it, you risk injury.
There is no one best way to strength train, so you'll often hear various suggestions for weight programs. It's good to mix them up to keep your muscles challenged.