Everyone has started the new year with a bang. We'll I didn't. Remember the last post? The cheat day. Well, It wasn't a cheat day. It was a cheat week. I had all the food that I wanted. I just couldn't help it. I've let my guard down. I was attacked when I was vulnerable. Now, I'm struggling again. It's a good thing I did a precautionary measure. Last december 29, I enrolled myself in fitness first. I felt I needed to do something.

Then January 3 came ( I should have started January 2) then I went to the gym. I arrived 9:30 am. I thought I was late. Before I hit the class, I jumped on the weighing scale and got shocked. I weighed 233lbs. DAMN IT! The instructor for the group exercise was also late! Good Thing. Then we started. I was having trouble dancing because I was heavy. But I enjoyed the class. This would be my third time to enroll. I hope this time would be a success.
It was a good thing that I enrolled so I have to kick my own ass to get out of bed and go to the gym.

Another thing that I am going to try out is the master cleanse diet. I heard it from the radio station magic 89.9 that beyonce knowles did that diet and lost a lot of weight. It's kinda hard because it only involves liquid intakes. You can look for a download of an ebook, The Master Cleanse by Stanley Borroughs. I think you only drink juices for 2 days. Whew! But out with the old and in with the new. Wish me luck!